Advent Calendar 9: It was fun while it lasted

On the ninth day of Christmas,
The Bakery gave to me:
Some self indulgent images of the film making process

As hinted at in Gate’s last post, he and I have been hard at work this week with a very exciting little project indeed. There’ve been highs, lows, middles, and even some middle-lows.

This film will be ready for Gate’s post some time on Wednesday 14th (not Monday the 12th as his post indicated). In the mean time, allow me to get you all juiced up with some ‘making of’ photos. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled: I expect The Sun will be picking up these images and putting them on the front page any day now.

So without further ado, here are some photos. Enjoy.


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  1. Looks like the Bakery have finally started to take this advent calendar seriously! The RED is a bit showy-offy though.
    Also I see no Bakery T’s.
    Looks like Fryer might also be doing his “Im posing for a photo” stance in photo 2 which throws all this into legitimate dispute.

    My conclusion: it’s all a fraud.

    • Your definition of a “serious” blog post might well be the depiction of a snazzy RED (that’s a type of camera by the way, for all normal folk reading this) but I won’t take seriously any post that doesn’t even manage to get the date right.

      This is the third advent post so far to assign an incorrect day in the opening verse.

      Yours, an unemployed proof reader.

      • Geodaddi

        I seriously did not question the numbering of the posts as I thought this purely reflected the multi-national nature of THE Bakery. (notice the emphasis of the THE). I imagined that you have a smattering of Armenian Orthodox who celebrate JCs big day on January 6, or Julian calendar Orhodox on January 7, not to mention one or two Armenians in the Holy Land, who celebrate Christmas on January 19th.

        • How foolish of me. Clearly the posts were correctly numbered after all, and I was betraying my ignorance of all these other dating systems.

          I understand the Julian calendar features a daily motivational mantra, and handy stickers so you can chart your personal goals. It is also available as an app.

          That is the Julian calendar you meant, isn’t it?

    • There may not be a bakery t-shirt any where, but let me direct your attention to the screen on the bottom-right photo…

  2. Chef Dan *

    I am glad that this post has generated more comments than any other, but a bit bemused that they’ve all been related to date and calendar based humour. But this is mostly because I don’t have any calendar gags myself.

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