I got bored of designing websites recently, so made this thing instead. More photos of this can be found here, on my spanking new portfolio: http://alaricking.co.uk
I got bored of designing websites recently, so made this thing instead. More photos of this can be found here, on my spanking new portfolio: http://alaricking.co.uk
Did you make said many sided shape?
I’ve long thought that the one thing really missing from The Bakery’s portfolio is illuminated plywood geometry.
Along with Satanic breakfasts and Civil Service metalwork
Tom: yes i did make it
Rich: You’re very right. My next project is a 16ft illuminated phallus with the creative work of Tom German inscribed all over it.
A 16ft illuminated phallus? Will you be needing a model for this? Because I’m very busy at the moment and I doubt you have enough plaster.