…so the article on the MSN news website suggests:
Likenesses of Jesus or the Virgin Mary have been spotted in objects as diverse as the lid of a jar of Marmite, a toilet door, a restaurant griddle, the surface of the planet Mars, and a tree stump in Rathkeale, County Limerick…
Well, being the season for scary and unsettling things, I share with you a tale of how I came to see the messiah on an item of my clothing. Like every Chef at the bakery, my wardrobe rarely sees any new additions. Frustrated at this, my wonderful girlfriend decided to buy me a loin cloth, in an attempt to add (and I directly quote her) “Style, finesse, masculinity and a Neanderthal allure” that apparently I needed.
So after a long tiring day in front of a computer, I removed said loin cloth and was left speechless at the patterned filth that had accumulated on it, from the hard day’s work:
Now, as we have seen previously in the blog, Microsoft are regarded as an industry leader on ‘being wrong’. But with this particular content-filling-sensational-pile-of-balls-appealing-only-to-bored-office-workers-and-me article, I think they may be right: this year IS a vintage year for religious sightings, and I believe my discovery to be right up there with “Virgin Mary likeness spied in grilled cheese sandwich“.
Has anyone else had any similar encounters recently?
Beautiful Al.
Tom German needs to wake up and smell the loin cloth, and finally see that his visage is the one truth in this world.
I concur wholeheartedly with Mr. Milk ‘n’ Honey’s comment above.