scribblings in Coffee and Corks

A book has been placed in Canterbury’s ‘Coffee and Corks’ cafe. All visitors are free to fill it with whatever musings or comments that they wish, as they nibble on a slab of coffee cake or sip at a cup of herbal tea. Philosophy, jokes, inventions, confessions, desire – whatever spills from the nibs!


It’s kind of a mini experiment in communicating ideas, and is planned to form part of a series of features by me and Dan for broadcast on BBC Radio Kent.

So, get yourself along to ‘Coffee and Corks’ and get involved! Else, keep checking back here to be updated on our radio exploits.

Cheers everyone, Richard


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  1. Alaric

    I’ll be sure to add to this book.

    Though in a tasteful manner. This will shock you!


  2. Chef Adam

    Really though…really – if you dont leave a message that contains cock, buggery, beds, shitting…etc I will be personally upset and probably be forced to tear out what ever sentimental crap you choose to write…


    But the book idea I like. I was just thinking to myself when in corks (shortened to corks for trend setting, youth like effect) the other day that there hadn’t been any new books to scribble in for a couple of years and that it would be good fun just to put one in there. Clearly you beat me to idea. Instead I will use my £1.50 I saved not having to buy a notebook on a coffee to keep me company when writing in yours.

  3. Alaric

    Dam sentimentality. What use does it have hey Fin?

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