Fresh out of The Bakery’s oven comes the April Podcast for Canterbury’s Gulbenkian Theatre.
This month, Dan and Richard usher you into a distinctly chilled-out and smoky mop cupboard, as the Gulbenkian Podcast turns into a mini jazz club to celebrate the Gulbenkian Jazz Singers Open Mic Night.
Joining them over by the bar, for a jazz cigarette and a bit of a shooby-dooby-doo, is ‘Pappy’s Fun Club’ talking about their time at the University of Kent, and why their sitcom idea is a bit spermy at the moment. Also making an appearance among the pianos and bass-lines is comedian and political activist Mark Thomas, telling us why every laugh is a tiny revolution. You cats’d be crazy to miss it.
Apparently Matthew “Pappy’s Fun Club” Crosby found the experience of entering our Podcast Cupboard “mildly upsetting.”
I can’t think why . . . I only made him impersonate his 3 fellow comedians with very little warning . . .