Archive for January, 2009

Bakery bankrupt over copyright issues

I was browsing some porn earlier, and found this small gem of a website: So, for those of you who think we’re creative and unique, think again. The design for the Bakery’s new website was in fact stolen from here. It’s a real shame we didn’t execute it as well as the original, but hey, we tried. Some top notch content on this site, for those partial to witnessing literary genius and slightly disturbing staged photography. Richard Dadd, put down your pen and learn from the true master.

Page One

Hello Blog-Readers, Richard here. My first post of the New Look Blog. And while the other chaps here at The Bakery busy themselves with Html and shutter speeds and user-focused-interfaces, as they snort on their croissants and think outside the box (I’m sure Alaric will agree this is a perfect illustration of his attitude to creativity) I’m a rather more old-fashioned and technically retarded individual (by which I mean I am retarded in the technical area – not that I am technically a retard. I am not). Anyway, I write. And I’m an actor as well. Sometimes I direct things. I also write copy and Have Ideas. Now, I am well aware of some of the funky projects that the other Bakery Boys are up to. Al in particular has a very wonderful film in production, which we’ve all had a hand in making. But my job here is not to trumpet other people’s projects, they will be able to do that themselves with much aplomb as and when they are ready. No, I’m just here to do a little bit of Blogging about how things are going in my neck of the woods. I’m having lots of ideas....

Welcome to our new blog

Good day! As you can tell we’ve been a little busy recently, re-designing our website and getting on with some work too. Yes, we know this is about 6 months late, but wasn’t it worth it? Thanks to the hard efforts of Max Heide and me (Al), we have now got a very flash (pun intended) portfolio of our work online. If by some strange sequence of events has led you to this blog, without seeing the portfolio – then go take a bloody look! Enough boring crap from me. Enjoy your day! Love, The Bakery