Mrs. Hoffman stars in “Night Terrors”

Many of you may know that I’m a lifelong fan of Doctor Who.

I don’t usually mention the programme round these parts. You see, some of my fellow Bakers have the temerity to be boring “grown ups,” and – in one instance – a bally foreigner. But this week I am willing to make a rare exception and promote a show which needs no promotion.

Me and the series don’t always see eye to eye. As with all passionate relationships, sometimes I rant and feel frustrated, maybe even disappointed with it. But only because I expect so highly of it. I can also understand that new viewers might find it the most baffling, inconsistent and melodramatic mash-up of a programme they’ve ever seen. Some people mistake it for science fiction.

In truth, you should think of Doctor Who as that childhood game you played, where you got all the different action figures and soldiers and teddies that didn’t belong together and improvised whatever mad story you liked. Any time, any place, any genre. A wonderfully silly, fairytale, make-believe comedy-horror-drama pastiche that constitutes the best BBC TV series ever devised. If you don’t enjoy at least some of it, you are probably taking it far too seriously.

To prove that you are never too old for dressing up and playing make-believe, a good friend of The Bakery is appearing in this Saturday’s episode.

Leila Hoffman (who plays Mrs. Rossiter) is of course wife of Alfred Hoffman, who plays the Shopkeeper in our forthcoming film The Last Bookshop.

The episode is called “Night Terrors.” It is written by The League of Gentleman’s Mark Gatiss and features some bloody scary looking giant dolls. Here’s a trailer…

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  1. Geodaddi

    Loved this episode…. A classic reworking of so many horror stories. I do hope Leila Hoffman didn’t get too claustrophobic in all those bin bags!

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