Archive for March, 2011

Being a Dickhead’s cool

It’s good to see the LOOKBOOK community come under fire. Our trojan horse is still sitting silent, waiting for the right moment to wreak havoc…


There is a chap called Jason de Caires Taylor who does some quite incredible underwater sculpture. Locations include the river Stour in Canterbury and also several spots off the coast of Mexico (which exact coast, I do not know). It’s bloody fabulous either way and you should all look at the stunning photos of his newest work below. Also, listen to this here BBC Radio Kent broadcast made by Dan and Richard back in 2009 about his Alluvia sculpture in Canterbury.

No Reading Alone 2 in Oxford

It’s that time again for No Reading Alone: the event that sees comedy, books, poetry, music, films and wet, tasty beverages combined in one great swirling mass of excellence and then packed into all the minutes that happen between 7:30pm and closing time at Isis Farmhouse, Oxford. Among the many great acts lined up, which include Medlar Lucan, author of The Decadent Cookbook and music from the likes of Juju of Little Fish, The Bakery will be once again taking the chance to show-off one of its baked wonders, this time with Chef Alaric’s beautiful short ‘The Chair‘. So if you are in the Oxford area and you aren’t up to much, why not go along? In fact, even if you’re not in the Oxford area, and not free because you’re actually sky diving in the Hebrides or attending a funeral in Antwerp, come along anyway. Otherwise I’ll hate you. Or more importantly, you’ll hate yourself. Check out the No Reading Alone website Oxwords for more information.