Dancing Agreements

Have you ever needed a second opinion on something? But always felt a little protective, as it’s creative and personal, and you’re scared of someone saying “it’s a load of balls, what the hell were you thinking”? Well, the bakery’s procrastination department is happy to release these nodding heads, to approve absolutely anything you ask them.

Your indecisions can now be backed up by hard working, honest faces of Richard and Dan.

rich_head dan_head

Or alternatively, download them to your desktop and watch them both nod in agreement to 50 cents new audio philosophy book: 50 Cent – The 50th Law


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  1. Haha! Very good – I knew you weren’t taking those photos innocently!

  2. I’ve just asked my own face for a second opinion on a creative matter, but I wasn’t very reassured by the response.

    I am, after all, the only one who knows for certain that what I know isn’t worth knowing . . .

    At least I think I know that . . .

  3. Just wrote a horribly difficult piece of writing for uni and after wallowing, lamenting and feeling doubtful about my talent as a writer, I stumbled across these gems! Thank you Alaric King 🙂

  4. Tom German

    It looks a little like there having sex!

  5. Tom Mathias

    Are Richard Dadd and Dan Fryer big gays?

    What’s that? They are?

    Oh splendid!


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