This is a very generous review of a website i created for nature photographer Steve Bloom. Read it below, or alternatively make up your own mind here.
This is probably the first project by a bakery chef to appear in an international monthly publication, on the subject of photography.
Wow – that is a fantastic website, Chef Alaric. I mean…a fantastic website for the photographs (which are stunning) but also for its design. Top marks! I’m kind of jealous.
Thank you so much Tom! Shall you ever need a website Sir (or Dog), please get in touch! It would be an honour – i’ve never worked for someone who has four legs before. Well, ok Richard has 3…
Well done! This is a truly excellent feat… Good praise for a brilliant website – nice one Al.
Marvellous stuff. Good work Al!
I know how hard you worked to meet Mr Bloom’s high standards, so it must be very satisfying to see it pay off.
Well, Bakery projects have appeared in InQuire, the Canterbury Adscene, the Kent Messenger, and now this esteemed publication. What shall we aim for next?
Razzle? The Chap?
No, I know: Stationary Engine Monthly!!!
“The magazine that takes you into the fascinating world of the stationary engine!”
A superb idea! How the hell could we get into that one?….i actually have an idea….!
Congratulations Al
That’s a great bit of news to read on the blog when not expecting to find anything! Great work Mr Al, you should be proud. Im chuffed for you. It’s a great site – simply a huge amount of content on there nicely presented on a site that works brilliantly, a great achievement.
Damn right it should get praise in the paper!